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8 Hour level Design Puzzle Challenge


In this project, I set out a challenge to create a Third Person puzzle level design with a playable level within a set given time and gameplay. This project includes level design and an Advanced Puzzle Constructor using Unreal Engine 4.

I used Portal and The Turing Test video games as inspiration to create this level with similar gameplay


Project details

What I did:

  • Challenge myself to create a playable level within a Strict time limit.

  • Created using an Advanced Puzzle Constructor in UE4 4.27

  • Puzzle Design

  • Target of 5 Minutes of gameplay

  • developed in 8 hours





I draw inspiration primarily from Portal and The Turing Test. To begin my process, I analyze these games to understand how they effectively incorporate puzzle design, pacing, and the introduction of new mechanics. Then, I compile a moodboard to capture key elements and ideas.

Making Overview

Drawing various puzzle designs quickly from my mind, I began creating a layout that would provide a rough overview of the level along with the puzzle ideas. This aided me in the initial blocking out phase, enabling me to manage my time effectively throughout the challenge.

Final Overview

8 hour Level Design Puzzle Challenge_2DMap.jpg


In this project, I use color-matched cubes to provide hints to the player visually, indicating where to place the cube, whether it's to charge the power cube or restore power.

The teleportation pattern symbol on the floor, along with the blue outline on the cube, indicates which cubes are activated. Additionally, visual effects (VFX) display the destination of the teleportation, guiding players to the next teleportation symbol.

Level Walkthrough

Clear Goals 

At the beginning of the level, I wanted to make it very clear where the player's end goal is, by showing them a problem with the power connection to the bridge.

When reached in the first room they will notice the power cell they need to restore power to the bridge which creates that sense of a problem the player needs to solve.

Pressure Plate Puzzle

I set up the first puzzle as a pressure plate to get across without the doors closing. The player will look for clues and will notice a picture on the wall with two colored visuals to guide the player to solve the first puzzle.

The Teleport/Fall cubes

After finishing the first puzzle, I show the player a teleport sign and a gap with two cubes. I designed it this way to demonstrate the ability to have multiple uses for a cube. When the player pushes the cube onto the teleporter, visual effects (VFX) will indicate where the cube is going, drawing their attention.

Matching the color of the gap with the cube provides a subtle hint using color language.

laser Detection

When the player walks through the laser detection, the door closes, triggering a switch to reset it. By positioning the cube that was teleported near the laser detection, the player can jam the door, resulting in a different type of gameplay and a sense of discovery with only one cube.

Conveyor Puzzle

The finished puzzles were designed to have the cube with the same color as the floor markings. Using the environment to guide the player where they need to place the cube, and by reusing the teleport symbol, the player already knows how it works, thus reinforcing the same mechanic to figure out which teleport is the correct one.

The conveyor switch features arrow signs pointing exclusively left or right, indicating the direction in which the conveyor will move.

Unlocking lazzer

A small cutscene will depict the laser's disrepair caused by the blue cube hitting its mark, providing a sense of achievement and solving the level puzzle.

Restoring Power

When the power cell has reached its power station and restored power, the cube and floor will both switch colors, signaling to the player that the power cell was previously inactive but has now been restored.

Finding the enginey cell

Finish this level off with Introduce a new mechanic a small power cell that opens door given a hint to what the next level going to be evolving with.

Level Showcase

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